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Roof Repair : 8 Signs You Need a New Roof

Roof Repairs / ocala/ December 22, 2020

Roof Repair : 8 Signs You Need a New Roof

The decision to ignore warning signs that your roof is in trouble can prove very costly. Because of this, our team of experts have put together eight signs you need roof repair to help you learn how to spot these issues before any extensive damage is done.

#1. Granules appear in your downspouts

Following a thunder or hail storm, if you notice piles of granule at the base of your downspout, it’s time to contact a Ocala roofing service professional. Your shingles shed granules for a variety of reasons. It could be down to persistent exposure to heat because of long, hot summers or relentless thunderstorms during spring. These granules are a clear sign that the protective coating of your shingles has eroded.

Algae can also cause granular loss, overhanging branches or moss, a roof inspection will be needed to identify the cause. Unfortunately, because of wear and tear or old age if your roof reaches this point, a replacement is usually the most logical solution.

#2. Shingles are curling

Your roof shingles can curl for a variety of reasons this could be caused by inadequate or ventilation in the attic are old age. Regardless of the reason, what’s important is that current shingles need to be repaired or replaced.

Unfortunately, these are one of the key indicators that your roofing system is rapidly deteriorating and may need to be replaced. Attic ventilation issues could cause this, unusually harsh winters and a poorly installed roof are a variety of other reasons. Unless we replace them, shingles will eventually fall off themselves and expose your building to water leaks and all the underlying problems that come with them.

Roof Repair

#3 Shingles missing from your Roof

Following severe weather, you may find some shingles or missing or even scattered around your yard. If this is the case, a section of your roof is now vulnerable. Any water that enters this area couldn’t quickly cause the underlying elements to rot. Loss of a shingle or even part of one will most likely result in a roof leak. Depending on the shingles location and whether it’s covering seams between two other shingles will determine the extent of the leak. Your shingles would have been arranged in a fashion to allow overlapping ones to cover any seams in the lower shingles. Losing shingles will expose one or more of these seams to the elements and let them water.

#4 Flashing is damaged

Flashing is the term used to describe sheets of either plastic or metal that have been used to provide an initial protective layer to a specific part of your roof. If you notice small holes appearing in your flashing, this can cause water to seep under your roof shingles. Wildlife or corrosion can cause this and can quickly become a big problem if not sealed on time. Flashing is obviously subject to the elements, and over time metal flashing will corrode because of exposure to moisture and air.

If you’re living closer to the coast, salty air can be extremely corrosive, causing extensive damage to your roofs flashing. Regardless of the root of the problem, if your flashing becomes damaged it will need to be either replaced, sealed or cleaned to ensure it can continue to repel water.

#5. You notice water stains on your ceiling

Water staining on your internal walls or ceiling is one of the most obvious signs you have a problem with your roof. Unfortunately, it shows a serious problem with your roof. By the time water makes its way from your roofing system, it has to pass through several protective layers. This shows it involves a serious amount of water. Over time roofing materials will inevitably deteriorate. If left exposed to the elements there’s little they can do to prevent heavy snowfall or rain working its way into your home causing extensive damage. If you notice a water stain on your wall or ceiling contact a roof repair company immediately.

#6. Roof Repairs needed because of Rotting Fascia’s

Rotting Fascia

Your guttering system has been mounted on wooden boards known as fascia. If your roof or guttering system is experiencing issues such as damage or clogging, this can cause overflowing water. This can cause the boards to rot, given enough time these rotting boards can cause other aspects of your roof to rot as well. Fascia can also rot because of water accumulation in other parts of the structure. Despite their design, once they rot they can no longer protect your home from water. Water can continue to work its way into your walls and foundations, resulting in more extensive structural damage.

#7. Your Roof is Sagging

As roofing systems age, it’s common for them to sag. Unfortunately, this is a clear sign that a roof replacement is at the very least it needs some extensive repairs. Saying causes of confusion for homeowners as they don’t fully appreciate the root of the problem.

Age causes most sagging in roofs, as it deteriorates it will reach a point where it needs to be repaired or replaced. It’s not a mystery unfortunately, age catches up and everything, even your roof. If you notice your roof sagging, contact a professional so they can determine the root of the problem and offer your solution for the next course of action.

#8 Daylight is Leaking into your Attic

If you suspect your roof may be damaged, I need one to feel like climbing a ladder. The easiest way is to simply go into your attic during the daytime, turn off all the lights and see if there’s any sunlight peeking through the roof. Minor roof leaks may not be highlighted using this hack, but anything major will be easy to spot.

Especially any areas, or there’s no protection left. Unless you get these repaired, water will be able to freely enter your attic leading to more extensive property damage mildew or mold buildup. Normally we’re grateful to see any sunshine, but if you see it in your attic space, we advise you to look around and check the insulation and flooring to see if it’s suffering from any water damage.

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